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The Business of Being an Investor

How is Owning an investment property like having a business?   For some investors, the process of securing an asset might seem like the most challenging step in building wealth.Hunting down an opportunity, negotiating terms with stakeholders, engaging professional advisors and ensuring contract completion and handover can seem exhausting. Once the keys are in hand… Read more

7 Location Warning Signs for Property Investors

Location, location, location—a golden rule in property investment that helps investors ensure long-term growth for their assets, but how can they determine where NOT to invest? Location stands as one of the most crucial considerations for investors before buying a property as it determines the level and quality of supply and demand as well as… Read more

Importance of a Property Investment Advisor

I sat down with some clients, Michael and Claire a few years ago – and yes, they are happy for me to tell their story. They had been researching the market for a long time before being referred to my service by one of my clients. They were a time-poor, educated, professional couple with a… Read more

A group of professionals

Building the Best Property Investment Advisory Team

Our world has evolved to the point where specialisation is now common place across a range of disciplines.   In truth, most of us excel at something – a particular talent we perform at a well-above-average standard.   It therefore follows that in other fields, there will be qualified folk who can tackle tasks that… Read more

Breaking the Costly ‘Do Nothing’ Cycle

Every year as we head into the new financial year, many taxpayers will be preparing tax returns and reliving the previous 12 months through the lens of credit card and bank statements. Without doubt, a number will realise they’ve, once again, failed to make investment plans to maximise their financial position both now and into… Read more