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Learning Hub

Interest Only vs P&I Loans

Interest Only vs P&I Loans for property Investors Introduction Property investment is a popular avenue for wealth creation in Australia, with a variety of financing options available to investors. Among these options, two of the most common are interest-only (IO) loans and principal and interest (P&I) loans.  Both have their advantages and disadvantages.  The choice between… Read more

Super Changes 2021

New Super Laws

New Super Laws: a timely reminder to check your life insurance policy What measures do you have in place to help protect your family home or business? If life insurance through your superannuation account is one of them, then it’s a good time to give it a quick review – especially if you work in… Read more

Australian Banks

Does the Banking Royal Commission Affect You?

the banking royal commission wrap As you are probably aware, the Banking Royal Commission concluded recently.  As a result, there were a number of recommendations made by Commissioner, Kenneth Hayne.  There was very little surprise when some damning misconduct came to light.  Most Australians pinned their hopes on the banks being held to account for… Read more

Interest Only Loan

Removal of Interest Only Loan Restrictions

Good News for Property Investors in 2019! APRA announces removal of interest only loan restrictions Worried about your interest only loan?  There’s good news! The Australian residential property market is looking forward to a very positive start to 2019.  There was an announcement that from 1 January 2019 the financial services regulator, APRA will remove… Read more

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