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Best Suburb to Invest

Create the Right Property | Why Invest in a New Build

  Why should you build your investment property? Creating the Right Property Building a brand new property allows you to create a property that includes the features that appeal to the future tenants you will have in the property. For example, if you are in an area that is popular with families with young children,… Read more

Best Suburb to Invest

Avoid Poor Infrastructure | Investment Property Location Advice

Where Should My Investment Property be Located? Avoid Poor Infrastructure Localised issues can have a large impact on the performance of your property. Things like large overhead power lines can have an impact not only on your tenants health, but also the way the bank views your property, and the likelihood of you getting a… Read more

Avoid Mining Towns | Investment Property Location Advice

don’t invest in mining towns – or small towns Mining Towns and Single Industry Locations can be a trap for property investors.   Where Should My Investment Property be Located? Mining Towns and small, single industry locations.  They are often spruiked to property investors as great places to invest.   There are promises of high rental… Read more

Investment Property Advice

Avoid Property Hotspots | Investment Property Location Advice

avoid mainstream property hotspots Where Should My Investment Property be Located? The best investors avoid mainstream property investment hot spots!  Get some qualified investment property location advice. By the time you hear about the places that have strong capital growth, it’s more than likely that the location is already reaching its peak and will plateau… Read more

Australian Banks

Does the Banking Royal Commission Affect You?

the banking royal commission wrap As you are probably aware, the Banking Royal Commission concluded recently.  As a result, there were a number of recommendations made by Commissioner, Kenneth Hayne.  There was very little surprise when some damning misconduct came to light.  Most Australians pinned their hopes on the banks being held to account for… Read more

Property Clock Australia

The HTW Property Clock Explained

the HTW Property Clock explained? Heron Tod White (HTW) are licenced property valuers in Australia.  The HTW Property Clock is a ‘clock’ diagram that is published with their monthly property market analysis, across Australia.  This provides overall indication of where HTW believe each property market around the Australia, is currently positioned. As you can see,… Read more

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